Deep Winters are deep and cool. On the seasonal color spectrum, Deep Winters are almost a blend of Autumn and Winter. If you are a Deep Winter, your coloring is more cool than warm but …

Deep Winters are deep and cool. On the seasonal color spectrum, Deep Winters are almost a blend of Autumn and Winter. If you are a Deep Winter, your coloring is more cool than warm but …
Deep Autumns are vivid and warm. On the seasonal color spectrum, Deep Autumns are almost a blend of Autumn and Winter. If you are a Deep Autumn, your coloring is more warm than cool but …
Warm Autumns are golden and rich. On the seasonal color spectrum, Warm Autumns are what might be considered a “true autumn”, warmer than both their Soft Autumn and Deep Autumn counterparts and richer than Warm …
Soft Autumns are rich and muted. On the seasonal color spectrum, Soft Autumns are more neutral than both their Warm Autumn and Deep Autumn counterparts. If you are a Soft Autumn, your coloring is warm, …
Soft Summers are muted and dusty. On the seasonal color spectrum, Soft Summers are more muted than both their Light Summer and Cool Summer counterparts. If you are a Soft Summer, your coloring is cool, …
Cool Summers are cool and soft. On the seasonal color spectrum, Cool Summers are what might be considered a “True Summer”. Cooler than both their Light Summer and Soft Summer counterparts. If you are a …