My Story When I was a kid, every time I visited Home Depot with my dad, I collected a few paint chips. My dad is a general contractor and we visited Home Depot a lot, …

My Story When I was a kid, every time I visited Home Depot with my dad, I collected a few paint chips. My dad is a general contractor and we visited Home Depot a lot, …
Maybe you know your season already. Maybe you had a color analysis done 20 years ago. Or maybe you have worn the same colors since childhood. But are you the same person you were 20 …
Everyone has key color characteristics. Discovering your key characteristics is easy and will help you to be confident when choosing colors and color combinations for your clothes and makeup too! This is part one in …
Are you one of those people who think that you can’t wear yellow? I have heard it said so many times, “I love yellow but, I can’t wear yellow.” The good news is that everyone …
Clear Winters are clear and contrasting. On the seasonal color spectrum, Clear Winters fall somewhere between Winter and Spring. If you are a Clear Winter, you have a great strength to your coloring with deep …
Cool Winters are clear and cool. On the seasonal color spectrum, Cool Winters are the coolest of all, without any doubts, often with gray or salt and pepper hair. If you are a Cool Winter, …