Hi, my name is Sarena. Welcome to my blog, Teal Inspiration. I hope you enjoy your stay
or at least get a good laugh.
Okay, first things first. I’m going to come clean and admit that this is not my first attempt at creating a blog. Let’s not get into failures here. Let’s just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and create a new blog.
So, what makes me think that this blog is a good idea? Because this blog is going to be real. I’m not going to try to make this blog fit any kind of mold or try to fulfill any expectations. Other than my own. That’s a good thing, right?
Sometimes I can get creative. I’d like to call myself a color expert, but the truth is I have nothing to back this up unless you’ll accept proof in the form of testimony from my parents and husband, who I’m sure are experts at affirming this opinion by now. And if any of them happen to read this, I love you guys. Actually, I have consulted on color choices for many construction jobs and house flips at this point, so I feel pretty confident in calling myself a color expert now.
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Anyway. When I was a kid, I would go with my parents to Home Depot and I would collect ALL of the paint samples. I had grand plans for these bits of cardstock with paint chips on them. They provided me endless hours of entertainment, along with my Crayola crayons which I had perpetually displayed on my bedroom floor in perfect order of hue. My dad can attest to this fact as he found out first-hand that crayons can act as tiny rollers and trip you up when you try to say goodnight to your daughter without turning the light on at night.
When I was in high school, I discovered the wondrous world of color analysis. It was everything I’d ever dreamed. Color charts showing which colors suited which hair, eye and skin colors. Lists of color combinations to go along with these charts to create flattering outfits and makeup looks. I quickly bought up and devoured every book I could hunt down and it became a hobby for me to analyze the colors of everyone I knew. Whether they were aware of it or not.
Color Me Beautiful and Color Me Beautiful’s Looking Your Best became my absolute favorites. Of course, these were already a bit outdated by the time I got my hands on them and there are SO many more now! My current favorite is Color Me Confident published in 2008
I now knew that I was an Autumn (Deep Autumn, technically) which explained why I had LOVED my Brownie uniform so much (and even convinced my mom to buy me extra pieces that I didn’t actually need and continued to wear the brown shorts long after I stopped being a member of the Girl Scouts). Warm colors suit me best. It all made sense now.
I discovered a teal sweater (at Costco of all places) when I was 14 and I’ll never forget the amount of comments I got about how amazing the color looked on me.
I will forever be inspired by teal.