Maybe you know your season already. Maybe you had a color analysis done 20 years ago. Or maybe you have worn the same colors since childhood.
But are you the same person you were 20 years ago? Chances are that you are not.
Our coloring changes throughout our lives too. And I’m not just talking about going gray (though that will obviously make a difference too.)
A comparison I like to use is Elizabeth Taylor because she was constantly beautiful though she evolved many times. Can you see how her coloring changed throughout her lifetime?

A person’s coloring will often soften (become more blended in appearance), become cooler or even sometimes warmer as they age, along with hair “going gray.” Another common change is being very fair and blonde as a small child and coloring will deepen and develop a very high contrast as an adult.
And if you dye your hair, that could potentially change your coloring as well. (Like a redhead who dyes her hair black, for example.)
Color analysis is not JUST about the color of your eyes, hair, and skin. It’s about your overall appearance, personality, and energy.
Color is energy and when touching you or emitting from you it gives off a vibration. When you are wearing colors that align with you, your energy vibration is increased.
Here’s a mini color psychology info-graphic:
Color energy and psychology have always fascinated me. I have a post all about the energy of color that you can find here.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of color. It has the ability to change lives.
You are probably aware of how being surrounded by different colors can completely change your mood or how wearing a certain color can completely drain all the life out of your face.
When you know your colors, you can avoid all the ones that are wrong for you. This saves you time, money, guilt – in short, it saves you a lot of frustration with clothes that don’t make you look as fabulous as you are!
Wearing color is ultimately about the way it makes you feel. Wearing the right colors for you is more than just looking your best. It’s about confidence and the way it makes you and the people around you feel.
Have fun with color!