Purple is the color of the moment!
Pantone’s Color of the Year 2018 is Ultra Violet 
Fiestaware’s new color for 2018 is Mulberry
But do you know how to wear purple that looks great on you?
These tips on how to wear purple will help you to look your best wearing purple no matter what your coloring.
If you are unsure which seasonal palette is yours, please look at this post to determine if you are Light, Deep, Warm, Cool, Clear, or Soft and this post to determine your season and see your best colors. For a closer look at each of the Seasonal Palettes individually, you can look here: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
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Here are some tips to help you wear purple to your best advantage, along with examples for each palette. These are just to give you some ideas, but you can also shop the pieces shown by clicking on the links below the pictures.
Light Spring
- Medium violet and purple shades look gorgeous on you!
- Pair deeper shades of violet with lighter shades for beautiful combinations.
- Violet is also stunning on you for evening wear.
Light Summer
- Your best shades of purple are on the lighter side. Lavender, icy violet, and amethyst are perfect for you.
- Some great purple color combinations for you are icy violet with light gray, purple with powder pink, and amethyst with lavender.
Deep Autumn
- As you might imagine, deep shades of purple are best on you.
- Aubergine and royal purple will be your best bets.
- Example pairings are aubergine with salmon, purple with camel, and deep plum with olive.
Deep Winter
- Purples and violets are some of your very best colors.
- Try pairing plum with black brown, turquoise or emerald green with violet, and periwinkle with royal purple.

Warm Autumn
- Keep your purples on the warmer side. Shades like lavender can make you look sick.
- Aubergine or eggplant are beautiful on you.
- Pair purple with mahogany for a stunning combination.

Warm Spring
- Medium shades of purple are very pretty on you.
- Pair purple with periwinkle for a gorgeous combination.
Cool Summer
- Softer shades of purple like orchid and lavender are great on you.
- Try pairing an icy violet with a medium purple or gray, orchid with aqua, and periwinkle with amethyst.
Cool Winter
- You can wear many shades of purple with great success!
- Try pairing purple with fuchsia for a dramatic combination.
Clear Spring
- A clear, medium purple is gorgeous on you.
- Try pairing purple with coral for a great color combo.

Clear Winter
- Most shades of purple are great on you.
- Try plum with blush pink, violet with scarlet, and periwinkle with purple for some beautiful combinations.

Soft Autumn
- Soft violets and plums are your best purples.
- Plum and olive is a stunning combo on you.
- Purple is also a gorgeous choice for evening wear for you.
Soft Summer
- Lighter, softer shades of purple are your best shades.
- Think icy violet, lavender, and amethyst.
- Try charcoal with amethyst, light navy with orchid, and soft violet with icy violet.

Color Analysis is not an exact science so it’s impossible to place every individual into these neat little boxes.
Your coloring is as unique as you are!
If you are unsure about your coloring, I can help!