Books That Changed My Life

Books That Changed My Life
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Some books make you feel more than others. Some stick with you throughout your life and you go on thinking about the characters as though for that brief time, you knew them and that you were a part of their life as much as they were a part of yours.

These are just a few of the books that changed my life.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream – My favorite Shakespeare play. I’ve probably read it a dozen times. Something about it just feels so dreamy and surreal.

The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye – I read this in high school (and then again several times afterward) it’s one of those haunting books that stays with you. Probably the first book I ever read that made me feel so much a part of it.

Sophie’s World – Everything seems real, but is it? Are we really just nestled deep in the rabbit fur, afraid to venture out because we might fall off? This is a book about philosophy but it’s so much more.

Harry Potter Series – This is probably on most people’s lists if you’re my age or younger. Impossible to put down and you feel a sense of sadness each time you’ve finished one of the books. It’s more than a book series; it’s a whole world that you wish you were a part of. I’m still waiting for my Hogwart’s letter.

The Eyre Affair – If you’ve read Jane Eyre, this book will make a lot more sense as it’s just like jumping right into the pages of that book. What if people could live inside a work of literature? What if your actions could re-write the story?

Julie and Julia – My first glimpse into the world of blogging and also food writing. I still haven’t seen the movie but I loved this book. It was so hilarious in some parts that I laughed until I cried. It’s also probably one of the things that influenced me to want to write a blog in the first place. I will confess that my first attempt was actually a food blog!

I’m sure there are a lot more books that I could list here but I wanted to keep it manageable for now. 😉 Maybe in the future I’ll do a post with non-fiction books that changed my life too.

What are some books that changed your life?